YOURLITE: Everything you need to know about sweeping robot

by admin on Mar-29-2024

Sweeping robots have emerged as one of the hottest-selling cleaning tools in recent years. According to the latest survey, around 47 per cent of households in some regions have a sweeping robot. With advancements in technology, these automated devices have become essential tools for maintaining cleanliness and convenience.

In this comprehensive guide, we explore the world of sweeping, exploring their functionality, benefits, and how to choose the right one for your needs. Additionally, we also provide our recommendations for the best sweeping robots.

How Does sweeping robot work 

① Sensor Technology 

Sweeping robots rely on a variety of sensors to perceive their surroundings and navigate effectively. Infrared sensors detect obstacles and prevent collisions by sending signals that bounce back upon detection of an object. Cliff sensors detect changes in surface height, allowing the robot to avoid stairs or ledges. Some advanced models may also include cameras, laser sensors, or ultrasonic sensors to enhance navigation and obstacle avoidance.

② Path Planning Algorithms

Path planning algorithms are essential for determining the most efficient cleaning routes. These algorithms analyze sensor data and create a map of the cleaning area, identifying obstacles and determining optimal paths to navigate around them. Algorithms may employ various techniques such as random exploration, potential field methods, or machine learning algorithms to adapt and improve cleaning efficiency over time.

(Credit: Shark)

Vacuuming Systems 

Sweeping robots utilize vacuuming systems to remove dust, dirt, and debris from floors. Typically, they feature one or more rotating brushes or rollers to loosen dirt and lift debris from the floor surface. A suction mechanism then draws the debris into a dustbin or collection chamber for storage.

 Intelligent Control Systems

Intelligent control systems coordinate the operation of various components and sensors to ensure efficient cleaning. These systems may include microprocessors or microcontrollers that process sensor data and execute commands to control movement, suction power, and cleaning patterns.

⑤ Navigation system and programming

Navigation systems combine sensor data with pre-programmed maps or simultaneous localization and mapping (SLAM) algorithms to determine the robot's position relative to its surroundings. Programming enables the robot to follow predefined cleaning patterns, such as spiral, zigzag, or edge cleaning, to ensure thorough coverage of the entire area. In addition, advanced models may offer additional features such as room mapping, virtual boundaries, or scheduling capabilities for customized cleaning experiences.

(Credit: Wyze)

The Role of Sweeping Robots in Home Maintenance 

 Advantages of Cleaning Robots

Cleaning robots have become a popular choice for many good reasons.

Efficiency and Consistency: Their automated and consistent cleaning routines ensure that floors are regularly maintained without the need for manual intervention, leading to cleaner living spaces with reduced dust and allergen accumulation.

Autonomy: Cleaning robots operate autonomously without the need for human supervision. They are designed to follow specific cleaning patterns, ensuring comprehensive coverage without missing any spots. This eliminates the problem of uneven cleaning often associated with human workers.

Enhanced Features and Functionality: Advanced features such as timed task functions and automatic return to charging further streamline cleaning processes.


② Limitations of Cleaning Robots

Safety Concerns Near Stairs and Ledges: Cliff sensors employed by robotic vacuum cleaners may not always accurately detect drop-offs, posing a risk of falls or damage near staircases or ledges. Users need to ensure proper placement and supervision to prevent accidents.

Specific Coverage and Surface Limitations: Cleaning robots are typically designed to cover specific areas, which may limit their effectiveness in cleaning more complex spaces. They may also struggle on certain surfaces, particularly rough or uneven ones, necessitating manual cleaning in such cases. cleaning robots still have limitations in accessing hard-to-reach areas such as underneath furniture or in tight corners.

Regular Maintenance Requirements:  Like any machine, cleaning robots require regular cleaning and maintenance to maintain their effectiveness. While maintenance may involve additional time and expenses, it is crucial for ensuring the longevity and efficiency of the robot.


How to choose the right sweeping robot?

1. Assessing Household Needs

Consider the size and layout of your home to determine the appropriate cleaning coverage required. Identify specific cleaning challenges or preferences, such as pet hair removal or allergy concerns, to guide your selection process. Select additional features like mopping capabilities or virtual boundary settings are necessary based on your household's requirements.

2.  The Noise Level

Consider the noise level produced by the sweeping robot during operation to ensure minimal disruption to daily activities and quiet cleaning sessions. Look for models with low decibel ratings or quiet mode settings for noise-sensitive environments such as offices, classrooms, or homes with infants or pets.

3. Suction Power

Choosing a robot vacuum cleaner with robust suction power is always advisable. It significantly influences the device's cleaning efficiency and effectiveness. The higher the Pa (Pascals), the more dust, dirt, and grime the vacuum can effectively trap. Ideally, a suction power ranging between 1,500 to 2,000 Pa is suitable for hard surfaces like tiles and wood floors. However, for carpets and upholstery furniture, it's recommended to consider a machine with a suction capability of at least 2,000 Pa.

4. Smart Features

Explore the availability of smart features such as Wi-Fi connectivity and smartphone app control for remote monitoring and scheduling.

Evaluate the usability and reliability of the robot's navigation and mapping capabilities for efficient cleaning and navigation. It's crucial to compare navigation systems, which should be characterized by simplicity, efficiency, effective obstacle management, and precise surface vacuuming.

Additionally, the robot's programming capability is a significant advantage as it enables the scheduling of cleaning sessions according to your preferences. With programmable features, the robot operates only when desired, enhancing convenience. Programming options can be accessed either via remote control or directly on the robot, depending on the chosen model.

Robot Vacuum Cleaner Illustration

5. Filtration and Capacity

Prioritize models with high-quality filtration systems to trap dust, allergens, and even fine particles for improved indoor air quality. Compare the size of the dustbin or dirt compartment to ensure sufficient capacity for your cleaning needs without frequent emptying. Look for washable or replaceable filters and easy-to-empty dustbins for convenient maintenance and upkeep.

6. Long-Lasting Battery Life

Consider battery life and charging time to determine the robot's runtime and convenience of use. It is necessary to search for the model with extended battery durations. You can get help from the automatic cleaning robot manufacturer. The best part is that it will return to the docking station when the battery drains out.

The Yourlite Automatic Recharge Floor Sweeping Robot is designed to efficiently pick up dust, crumbs, pet hair, and dirt, making it an ideal cleaning solution for both floors and carpets. With its simple operation and included remote control, cleaning with this robot is always intuitive and straightforward. Its ultra-thin body allows it to navigate into the smallest corners and gaps, making it suitable for cleaning various complex spaces such as under sofas and beds.


300ml large-capacity water tank and 600ml dust box

Support APP remote control

Plan the route automatically

Automatically recharge

Real-time intelligent perception of the environment

Sustainable working for 120 minutes

2. Eufy RoboVac G30


The Eufy RoboVac G30 boasts a compact design, standing at just 2.85 inches tall, allowing it to clean under furniture with ease. Despite its small size, it offers powerful suction and employs smart navigation for efficient cleaning. Additionally, advanced features like laser navigation sensors enhance its performance, making it a good choice for automated home cleaning.


Compact, low-profile design

Strong suction power

Easy to set up and use

Features smart navigation for systematic cleaning

3. Ecovacs Deebot X2 Omni


The Deebot X2 Omni is a premium 2-in-1 model offering top-notch performance and advanced features. With excellent navigation capabilities and the ability to store multiple maps, it's ideal for larger homes with various floor types. If you have a higher budget, it’s worth considering. However, this product may still leave carpets dampened, occasionally prone to getting stuck, and has a shorter battery life compared to its predecessor.


D shape for better corner, edge cleaning

Hot-water mop washing

Lifts mop over carpet

Built-in security camera and voice assistant

Efficient cleaning and mapping

4. BISSELL SpinWave Wet Mop & Dry Robot Vacuum


Bissell's SpinWave Wet and Dry robot vacuum is their first model capable of both vacuuming and mopping. It efficiently cleans pet hair and dust from hard floors and low-pile carpets, while its dual spinning mopping pads effectively scrub hard floors when the dustbin is swapped for a wet tank. It automatically avoids carpeting and area rugs and offers various cleaning solutions, including multi-surface and pet-friendly options. However, this product lacks mapping features and voice control, occasionally gets stuck on furniture during operation.


Mops and vacuums

Works with cleaning solution

Automatically avoids carpet when mopping


5. iRobot Roomba i3+ EVO


The Roomba i3+ EVO stands out as the most affordable model equipped with a self-emptying dustbin. Beyond its convenience, self-emptying robot vacuums also minimize your exposure to dust, making it particularly beneficial for allergy sufferers. Additionally, this model boasts smart mapping capabilities, allowing you to direct it to specific rooms via phone or voice commands for targeted area cleanings.


Self-emptying dustbin

Works with Amazon Alexa, Google Assistant

Detects and focuses on heavily soiled areas

Supports scheduling and area cleaning

6.  Wyze Robot Vacuum


The Wyze Robot Vacuum offers an attractive combination of affordability and functionality. It effortlessly navigated both hard flooring and carpeted surfaces, effectively capturing dog hair, thus presenting a compelling option for pet owners on a budget. For smaller homes or apartments up to 1,000 square feet, the Wyze Robot Vacuum provides ample coverage in a single cleaning cycle. However, Wyze Robot Vacuum have no voice command support, and its battery life is relatively short.


Strong suction power

Features laser mapping technology

Supports app control, area cleaning, scheduling, and virtual walls

HEPA filter

In conclusion, sweeping robots have revolutionized home cleaning by offering convenience, efficiency, and versatility. From their autonomous operation to advanced features like mapping capabilities and voice control, these robots have become indispensable tools for maintaining clean and tidy living spaces. Despite some limitations, the benefits of sweeping robots far outweigh their drawbacks. While they boast numerous advantages, it's essential to consider factors such as navigation systems, suction power, and maintenance requirements when choosing the right model for your needs. Finding a reliable automatic cleaning robot supplier of sweeping robots is also crucial.

YOURLITE, as your trusted automatic cleaning robot supplier in China, provides wholesale robotic cleaning solutions. With advanced technology and user-friendly design, our sweeping robot products ensure effortless cleaning for your home or workplace.

Experience the convenience of smart home with Yourlite.


Q1.  Can sweeping robots be used on various types of flooring?

Sweeping robots are designed to be versatile and can typically be used on various types of flooring. Whether you have hardwood, tile, laminate, vinyl, or carpeted floors, most sweeping robots are equipped to navigate and clean effectively across different surfaces. However, it's essential to check the specifications of the specific model you're considering to ensure compatibility with the flooring types in your home. Additionally, some advanced models may have specific cleaning modes or features optimized for different floor surfaces to deliver the best cleaning results.

Q2.   How long does it take for a sweeping robot to recharge?

The time it takes for a sweeping robot to recharge can vary depending on the specific model and its battery capacity. Generally, most sweeping robots require several hours to fully recharge their batteries. This typically ranges from 2 to 6 hours, but some models may take longer. Additionally, factors such as the level of battery depletion and the charging technology used by the robot can also affect the charging time. It's essential to refer to the user manual or product specifications of your particular sweeping robot for precise information on its charging time.

Q3.  How often does a robotic vacuum cleaner require maintenance?

The frequency of maintenance required for a robotic vacuum cleaner can vary depending on factors such as usage intensity, environment, and specific model design. However, generally speaking, robotic vacuum cleaners typically require maintenance tasks such as emptying the dustbin, cleaning brushes and filters, and checking for any obstructions or blockages.

Here's a quick guideline:

Emptying the dustbin: Depending on the size of the dustbin and how much debris your robot collects, you may need to empty it after each cleaning session or once a day.

Cleaning brushes and filters: Brushes and filters can become clogged with hair, dust, and debris over time. It's recommended to clean them regularly, typically every 1-2 weeks, to maintain optimal cleaning performance.

Checking for obstructions: You should inspect the robot for any obstructions, such as tangled cords or large debris, which can impede its movement. This check can be done as needed or during regular maintenance intervals.

Other maintenance tasks: Some sweeping robots may require additional maintenance, such as cleaning sensors or replacing parts periodically. For detailed maintenance instructions, refer to the user manual of your specific model.

Overall, performing regular maintenance tasks helps ensure that your robotic vacuum cleaner operates efficiently and prolongs its lifespan.

Post time: Mar-29-2024